Knock knock
Who,s there?
Northern hemisphere.
Northern hemisphere who?
WE Visited the total tourist trap of mitad del mundo today about 10 miles from quito after we finally got our bikes from customs. Everything is in good order although the bikes are definitely down on power because of the altitude.
We stopped by the BMW dealer who fixed my tailight issue and put air in our tires. A really nice guy (I think his name was Energerio or similar) hooked us right up. Big thanks!
The people are very friendly and things are quite inexpensive. We are having dinner at all you can eat mongolian bbq for 5 bucks and .99 cent mixed drinks in the tourist area of town. Gas is $1.50. Beautiful pottery, jewelry, leather and woven items and very few gringos.
We happened by a casino which happened to be having Columbian week, and is also hosting the third annual national texas hold em championship so of course I'm going to play starting tonight at 9.
Wish us luck!
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