We left whispering seeds yesterday, saying goodbye to all our new friends, buying some handwoven products for friends, and promising to stay in touch.
It was a stupendous day, perfect temperature, the clearest skies and wonderful road ahead. Clara was in such a good mood being back in civilization, that she let me takeé a detour to the official Myanmar border at 3 Pagodas Pass. We reached the border which was nothing more than two gates, two signs and two closed offices being guarded by one guy sleeping barefoot on a bench with no firearm presence at all. Needless to say, the border was closed.
We took the picture, and I meandered across the imaginary border just to say I had, and then we headed back down highway 323.
For the next 100 kilometers or so is up and down, round and round, with a new reservoir on the right for 25 miles, and the peculiar Thai mountains all around with their not very high but particular green covered jagged peaks, or blocked areas topped with odd geometrical designs. The combination of it all made it one of the most fun and pleasant rides of the trip. One of the hills was so steep that all the people riding the bus had to get out and walk so that the bus could make it!
We settled in for the night at our riverside guest house, between the two "bridges over the river Kwai" made famous by the movie. $8 and still no hot water or AC, but mattresses! We can work our way back into luxury slowly!