Ayutthaya is the ancient Capital filled with palaces, monuments, Buddha's and Stupas
Clara got a full body one hour massage today in the city of Chiang Mai for $5 from a blind Masseuse at the blind massage center. The Thai people are very hospitable, the food is delicious and inexpensive, the hotels have hot water, and there seems to be plenty of attractive young thai women around for lonely old British and European men. Just watch your back, as apparently it is not uncommon for some of them to die in mysterious cases after the weddings!
The weather is wonderful here in the hilly north country, in the 80's during the day and cooler at night.
On our way here yesterday we took highway 106 which is an out of the way yellow line on the map and is the kind of road which makes you appreciate having your motorcycle. It was lonely and twisty as we made our way up through the jungle and forest hills, passing tiny villages which were often celebrating Chinese New Year with a pagaent or feast in a restaurant or soccer field by the side of the road. Golden temples would flash by on either side of the road, or be seen on hilltops off in the distance. Unlike many of the shrines in Nepal or India, these are all in good condition, spotless, and well visited.
Thailand so far has lived up to its reputation as THE destination retreat in southeast Asia, and the hordes of backpackers and other foreigners enjoying the good times here are impossible to miss.