We've been back home about three weeks now. Since our return we've spent a lot of time catching up with paperwork (Tax season), local news, and friends. Last night we went out to one of our favorite restaurants, The No Name Restaurant, and shared delicious New England lobsters with some of our friends (no pictures were taken because eating lobster is a messy business and no place for a camera!). Today, we went to another local favorite restaurant, Hammersleys, to join in a surprise 70th birthday brunch celebration for our friend Irv. It has been great to hear news of all the new engagements (congrats to Tien Yi and Alexa and their husbands-to-be), and babies (congrats to Ben & Stephanie, Leigh & Jason, and Kyle & Jill). It is amazing how much things can change in just one year, and more amazing still (in a comforting and somewhat disheartening way) how much things stay the same...
PS: Today I want to send out a HUGE Besito and lots of huggs to my brother Mariano in celebration of his 29th birthday!!! Whoo hoo for you Marianoski!!!