You are all cordially invited to our "Back at Home Party"!
Host: Clara and Kevin
Location: Big House
218 W. Springfield St., Boston, MA 02118 US
When: Saturday, July 19, 7:00PM
Phone: 617-530-0622
Time: in the evening! (7pm...) please RSVP!
Well...After 484 days we're finally back at home and can't think of a better way to celebrate than by filling the Big house with friends! So, bring your new wife, husband, baby, boyfriend, girlfriend, roommate, boss...Bring anyone who likes to have fun! Just come on over and be a part of our Round the World recap. There's gonna be loud music, dancing, drinking, and a world-class slide show. Dress for a fun or dress for a ball...and prepare for a hot summer night.
PS: For the very first, and only, time guests will be able to wear rubber soled shoes in the ballroom of the Big house (shoes must be promptly removed if venturing anywhere else though).
PSS: Free motorcycle parking!