Does Quaint describe England?
Jolly well does! Right off you go!
We are in England, picked up the bikes today from Heathrow and safely made it the 30 miles back to our friend Tim and Nushka's place near Islington riding on the Wrong side of the Road!!!
Clara has bought a new pair of pants and her face and arm are healing nicely from the attack in Caracas. We are experiencing major culture shock. The streets are clean, things are efficient, barely any pollution and people speak English. London is about half English speaking now, although everyone seems to understand the language the first tongue on the Underground and in tourist traps like Leicester square is usually not Anglo-Saxon. Tons of Russians, Poles, Middle Easterners, Indians and Pakistani's, with a few french, german and a few nordic voices as well.
There is up to a $100,000 fine for putting trash on the street!!! Lovely! The streets are clean, and people are quite proper. We took a ride on the London Eye, the BIG giant ferris wheel and sat on the Lions in Trafalgar Square.
I have been indulging in my second favorite food, after cucumbers, Fish and Chips. However, the "chippies" are fast becoming a relic and unfortunately replaced by KFC, McDonalds and Starbucks.
It is very, very expensive here, just another reminder of how far America has fallen under the Republicans lead by that intellecutal genius of the new-clear age, George Bush.
Knock, Knock
Who is there?
South America.
South America, who?
Congrats on making it safely through SA.
What happened in Caracas, I din't see anything mentioned on the last post?
Keep in touch...I'll see if I can meet up with you somewhere in the world soon!
Hi guys!
Welcome to Europe!!!
See you soon in Cologne, which is not in Bavaria ;-).
What ever happend to you, Clara, it is good to here that you are better.
Un beso - Christine
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